Dear MCOBs,
First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone for the time, effort and support that you have given to MCOBA. MCOBA is built on the strength of its members and the voluntary work that is put into it. We, the present generation of MCOBs have the responsibility to keep MCOBA moving forward.
The recent Annual General Meeting on June 4, 2016 gave a clear indication of MCOBs desires for the future of our Association. The members want a financially strong Association that will propel its members and Malaysia forward, one that creates the human capital asset for the country. Members also want an inclusive Association that equally embraces the youngest and oldest among them, and provides the space and opportunity to contribute their talent, whether its music, theatre, technology, architecture, business, and many more.
The newly-elected Management Committee will work hard towards realising the aspiration of its members, and continue the good work that was initiated by the previous Management Committees. We have a lot of new faces this term and they are ready to go with fresh ideas. Together with your strong support and participation, let’s bring MCOBA to a greater future.
Towards a better MCOBA,
An all Inclusive MCOBA,
and for the Brotherhood & Closely knitted MCOBA.
Fiat Sapientia Virtus.
Tunku Ahmad Burhanuddin (Tab)